
Whereas once brand owners were rushing blindly and unquestioningly into all things social media, it seems that a more intelligent, brand-responsible approach is emerging. Buried at the end of a recent AdAge article on brand mascots on Twitter, this is one such example:

“When we uated if Twitter should be part of our marketing mix, we felt that we also needed to apply filters to stay true to our brand character,” said Paul Smailes, senior brand director for Dos Equis and Sol beer brands. The man has also turned down movie studios and other advertisers looking to partner. “We believe the Most Interesting Man doesn’t spend too much time with technology. He’s busy with his worldly adventures.”

A social media tool like Twitter is about non-fiction, about facts. It may be good for products and services, but is far less so for brands. It is inadequate and inappropriate as a platform for the development of brand narrative.